Digital Water Meter Review
The citywide audits were completed March 2020 and accounts have been updated.
Want to know if your account has been reviewed? Check the status of your utility account on the customer web portal below. All that is needed is your street address and utility account number, which can be found on your monthly utility bill. Please visit the Customer Web Portal to check the status of your utility account.
The City of Corinth reported inconsistencies with the system that transmits water consumption to the billing software. This has caused incorrect water bills for some residential and commercial accounts.
In order to ensure the integrity of the system, staff will be conducting a system wide audit of every residential and commercial account over the next few months.
System processes:
The meter review team has identified and mapped the processes necessary for a successful meter, register and transponder update. Procedures for testing unresponsive transponders has been established and will be used when inspecting or troubleshooting billing data transmissions.
Additionally, an expanding understanding of the systems and the data infrastructure is allowing staff to effectively target issues and make necessary corrections. Information needs between the departments and systems is being established and is resulting in increased efficiency and confidence in the systems and processes.
The citywide audits were completed March 2020 and accounts have been updated.
Want to know if your account has been reviewed? Check the status of your utility account on the customer web portal below. All that is needed is your street address and utility account number, which can be found on your monthly utility bill. Please visit the Customer Web Portal to check the status of your utility account.